Needles: The needles of the Balsam Fir are flat, about 1 to 1.5 inches long, and typically dark green in color. They are arranged in pairs along the branches and emit a pleasant fragrance when crushed.
Cones: Balsam Fir produces small, cylindrical cones that are about 2 to 4 inches long. The cones are typically dark purple when young and turn brown as they mature. Each cone contains resinous sap, which gives the tree its "balsam" name.
Bark: The bark of young Balsam Firs is smooth and grayish, while mature trees have bark that becomes rough, scaly, and reddish-brown.
Shape: Balsam Fir trees typically have a conical or spire-like shape, with dense, symmetrical branches. They can grow to heights of 40 to 75 feet.
Aromatic Qualities: One of the most notable characteristics of Balsam Fir is its strong and pleasant fragrance. The needles and resin emit a refreshing, balsam-like scent.